Welcome to my weight loss journey! I was sleeved on 6/6/11
Went in for tummy tuck and breast reduction 12/11/12

Thursday, December 27, 2012


We meet again! I missed laying in bed and falling asleep next to my very handsome husband. They pulled the tubes yesterday and I feel 50% better than I have been! I slept well, my shower went well this morning and I'm moving around better already. They really weren't lying about the excess fluid coming out of my incisions and belly button though! And might I add, it stinks. So gross....but the nurse is a genius. She said to put a panty liner over my belly button and any leaks in my incision and it will not only soak up the fluid, but it will also soak up the smell....smart lady! Well...that's all I have today. Sleep was marvelous last night :) and my swelling is down quite substantially today :)

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