Welcome to my weight loss journey! I was sleeved on 6/6/11
Went in for tummy tuck and breast reduction 12/11/12

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm a copy-cat!

LOL...but really I am....My dear friend Christina and I always chat back and forth on the computer, and today she stumbled upon a Tutu Dress....it's absolutely amazing and I hope to one day make Madison one. Here's an example of that dress:

So now that you've caught your breath!! Here's my copycat story...she decided today was the day for her to use her Organza, and make a cute tutu for her little princess!! And it's adorable! Perfect fall colors! and it's shiny! Which I think it awesome! So here's a pic of her little princess modeling!!! You can go check out her blog here: www.tryingsewhard.blogspot.comSo I decided I might as well make one too. I was going to have Madison be a polka dot witch for Halloween so I bought all this really cute black and orange tulle! Well that plan fell through, so now I have almost 10 yards of black and orange tulle....plus I got a piece of sheer black cat fabric from the remnant bin at Joann's. It's awesome...So I needed to do something with that too! So here it is....it's been a hell of a day, but I made time for this. My model is MIA today. She's come down with a stomach bug today and is puking everywhere...niiice right? I'm sure you wanted to know that. Needless to say the only pics I have are done on my dining room table...this thing is ginormous! and I loooove it! So....here it is!It's huge! And I don't think the pictures do it any justice at all...the colors are awesome.... and possibly a little tacky....but I've seen them selling for over $50....sooooo...maybe one day I'll make and sell stuff, but for now, I'm just going to keep making Little Miss Madi stuff! Until next time!

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